Mercedes-Benz G-class (W463) since 1999 of release
1. Introduction
2. Governing bodies and operation receptions
3. Current leaving and service
4. Engine
5. Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
6. A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
7. Systems of electric equipment of the engine
8. Automatic transmission
9. Transmission line
9.1. A full drive - the general information
9.2. Transfer case
9.3. Bridges
9.3.1. General information
9.3.2. Check and adjustment oil level / replacement in assemblies of bridges
9.3.3. Check of stuffing by greasing of sharnirny casings of rotary assemblies of the forward bridge
9.3.4. Adjustment of wheel bearings of a forward axis
9.3.5. Check of concentricity of landing of connecting flanges of leading gear wheels of the main transfers
9.3.6. Replacement of epiploons of leading gear wheels of the main transfers
9.3.7. Removal and installation of leading gear wheels of the main transfers
9.3.8. Removal, installation and adjustment of executive cylinders and components of the mechanism of a drive of blocking of interwheel differentials
9.3.9. Dismantling and assembly of the executive cylinder of a drive of blocking of differential
9.3.10. Removal and installation of naves of forward wheels
9.3.11. Dismantling and assembly of naves of forward wheels
9.3.12. Removal and installation of power shafts of the forward bridge
9.3.13. Adjustment of bearings of rotary knots
9.3.14. Dismantling and assembly of a sharnirny casing of the forward bridge
9.3.15. Dismantling and assembly of a power shaft
9.3.16. Removal and installation of semi-axes
9.3.17. Dismantling and semi-axis assembly
9.3.18. Removal and installation of assemblies of interwheel differentials with conducted gear wheels of the main transfers
9.3.19. Dismantling and assembly of interwheel differentials
9.3.20. Check of correctness of gearing of gear wheels of the main transfer
9.3.21. Removal and installation of assemblies of the forward and back bridge
10. Brake and auxiliary systems
11. Suspension bracket and steering
12. Body
13. Onboard electric equipment
14. Schemes of electric connections



9.3.5. Check of concentricity of landing of connecting flanges of leading gear wheels of the main transfers

At each removal of a connecting flange measurement of resistance to rotation of the respective bridge in collecting (without wheels) should be made, - brakes should be released.

Check of concentricity of landing of a connecting flange (1) leading gear wheel of the main transfer

Details of installation of a connecting flange

1 — the Connecting flange
2 — Flantsovannaya a nut


  1. Disconnect from a flange (1) driveshaft, take him aside and tie up a wire to a car frame, - the order of performance of procedure is similar described in the Section Detachment and connection of driveshafts on a transfer case for connecting flanges of a transfer case.
  2. Check is made by means of a tsiferblatny measuring instrument of plunzherny type (DTI) and a special transitional flange (460 589 01 23 00).
  3. Connect a transitional flange to connecting (1).
  4. Fix a measuring instrument bed on a bridge case so that its plunzher appeared is pressed to a measuring surface of a forward pin of a transitional flange.
  5. Null the device and make demanded measurement, having turned the main transfer on one complete revolution. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications.

Peredny Bridge

At identification люфта a flange of the main transfer of the forward bridge replace a flange.

In order to avoid damage of bearings at all do not force down a flange a hammer, - in case of need use a special stripper (460 589 02 33 00)! The Flantsovanny nut is subject to replacement without fail!

Zadny Bridge


  1. If люфт a flange of the back bridge exceeds limiting admissible value, unblock and release a flantsovanny nut (2) and remove a flange, previously having marked the provision of a nut and a flange concerning a shaft of a leading gear wheel.

In order to avoid damage of bearings at all do not force down a flange a hammer, - in case of need use a special stripper (460 589 02 33 00)!

  1. Estimate a flange condition, in case of need make its replacement.
  2. If need for replacement because of identification of damages is absent, develop a flange on 180 ° clockwise, establish into place, and repeat check. Further, in case of need the flange can be developed two more times (on 90 ° and once again on 180 °). If to achieve demanded result by deployment of a flange it is not possible, make its replacement.
  3. Track, that the flantsovanny nut (at refusal of its replacement) was tightened before combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle.

Both bridges


  1. Connect into place the driveshaft and fix its NEW самоконтрящимися nuts, having tightened the last with demanded effort.

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9.3.4. Adjustment of wheel bearings of a forward axis
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9.3.6. Replacement of epiploons of leading gear wheels of the main transfers