9.3.5. Check of concentricity of landing of connecting flanges of leading gear wheels of the main transfers
At each removal of a connecting flange measurement of resistance to rotation of the respective bridge in collecting (without wheels) should be made, - brakes should be released. |
Check of concentricity of landing of a connecting flange (1) leading gear wheel of the main transfer |
Details of installation of a connecting flange
- Disconnect from a flange (1) driveshaft, take him aside and tie up a wire to a car frame, - the order of performance of procedure is similar described in the Section Detachment and connection of driveshafts on a transfer case for connecting flanges of a transfer case.
- Check is made by means of a tsiferblatny measuring instrument of plunzherny type (DTI) and a special transitional flange (460 589 01 23 00).
- Connect a transitional flange to connecting (1).
- Fix a measuring instrument bed on a bridge case so that its plunzher appeared is pressed to a measuring surface of a forward pin of a transitional flange.
- Null the device and make demanded measurement, having turned the main transfer on one complete revolution. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications.
Peredny Bridge
At identification люфта a flange of the main transfer of the forward bridge replace a flange.
In order to avoid damage of bearings at all do not force down a flange a hammer, - in case of need use a special stripper (460 589 02 33 00)! The Flantsovanny nut is subject to replacement without fail! |
Zadny Bridge
- If люфт a flange of the back bridge exceeds limiting admissible value, unblock and release a flantsovanny nut (2) and remove a flange, previously having marked the provision of a nut and a flange concerning a shaft of a leading gear wheel.
In order to avoid damage of bearings at all do not force down a flange a hammer, - in case of need use a special stripper (460 589 02 33 00)! |
- Estimate a flange condition, in case of need make its replacement.
- If need for replacement because of identification of damages is absent, develop a flange on 180 ° clockwise, establish into place, and repeat check. Further, in case of need the flange can be developed two more times (on 90 ° and once again on 180 °). If to achieve demanded result by deployment of a flange it is not possible, make its replacement.
- Track, that the flantsovanny nut (at refusal of its replacement) was tightened before combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle.
Both bridges
- Connect into place the driveshaft and fix its NEW самоконтрящимися nuts, having tightened the last with demanded effort.