9.1. A full drive - the general informationBasic principles of the organization of a constant full drive
General information
The torque developed by the engine is transferred through AT to the transfer case equipped with interaxal differential and from there, by means of driveshafts, to differentials of assemblies of forward and back bridges. On all models considered in the real Management the full drive is executed by not disconnected. In a design of a two-level transfer case the mechanism of blocking of interaxal differential is provided. The reducer of a transfer case is completely synchronized, thanks to what switching of steps can is made during movement. Mechanisms of compulsory blocking of both interwheel differentials are provided also. Order of blocking of differentials
Management of blocking of differentials is made by means of built in in the central part of the dashboard of the car of switches (see. Section Governing bodies and salon equipment). Blocking should be made strictly in a certain sequence: INTERAXAL DIFFERENTIAL —› ZADNY Bridge —› PEREDNY Bridge. Blocking of differentials should be included only in difficult terrains, at drives through water or on the roads covered with snow, ice or dirt. In difference from cars with a connected full drive here the torque is transferred on both axes constantly. Capacity redistribution between axes provides interaxal differential. The mode of rigid communication between the axes, necessary for achievement of the maximum traction effort, is provided with blocking of this differential. To advantages of a constant full drive stability of characteristics of controllability of the car, possibility of use of the bottom number of a transfer case treat without blocking, and consequently, on any roads without restriction on coupling. Besides such car always is in a condition of «the increased combat readiness». Compulsory blocking of differentials can be used, as an additional tool of increase of passableness in case of problems on off road terrain. It should be noted that the maximum draft at bad coupling with soil can be received only by means of compulsory blocking as any automatic equipment assumes pro-slipping of wheels (if pro-slippings are not present, blocking does not work), by all means bringing to losses of traction effort The constant full drive and shortcomings is not deprived. After all such car should turn all driveshafts and semi-axes. As a result on asphalt its transmission it is also noisy, as well as a connected full drive with the switched-on wheel couplings, and also provides an "all-wheel drive" increase to fuel consumption. Nevertheless the constant full drive provides nevertheless more positive moments, than negative, especially for the real SUVs. Elements of management of blocking of differentials
Function chart of a hydraulic actuator of blocking of differentials
Design of the hydropneumatic pressure head block
Scheme of an arrangement of mechanical components of management of blocking of interwheel differentials
Scheme of an arrangement of mechanical components of management of blocking of interaxal differential
Scheme of an arrangement of pneumatic components of management of blocking of differentials
Function chart of a pneumodrive of blocking of differentials on DIESEL models (blocking of interaxal differential and interwheel differential of the back bridge are included
Function chart of a pneumodrive of blocking of differentials on PETROL models (blocking of interaxal differential and interwheel differential of the back bridge are included
Scheme of an arrangement of electric components of management of blocking of differentials (1 of 2)
Scheme of an arrangement of electric components of management of blocking of differentials (2 of 2)