3.16. Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
Components of a steering drive and suspension bracket should be checked regularly. The worn-out or damaged components of a suspension bracket and a steering drive can serve as the reason of excessive and dangerous wear of tires, deteriorations of running characteristics and controllability the car and to fuel consumption increase. For more detailed information on components of a suspension bracket and system of a steering address to Head the Suspension bracket and a steering. |
Rack shock-absorber check
- To Poddomkratta the car and reliably establish it on support.
- Examine amortization racks of a suspension bracket on existence of signs of development of leaks.
- Check reliability of installation and integrity of racks. Check the top support of racks on existence of damages and wear signs. In case of detection of those replace racks.
Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
- Examine components of system of a steering on existence of damages and deformations. Look for signs of leakage of the liquid, the damaged laying, boots and shtutserny connections.
- Clear the bottom end of a rotary fist. Ask the assistant to grasp bottom edge of a wheel and to shake it, and at this time watch movement of the spherical support connecting a rotary fist to the lever. Examine boots of spherical support on existence of gaps. At identification люфта or signs of damage of a boot it is necessary to replace a spherical support (support).
- Grasp each of forward wheels for forward and back edges and try to turn it a first line inside, and back outside to check existence люфта in a steering drive. If it is found люфт, check, whether weakened fastenings of the steering mechanism and hinges of steering drafts. If weakened fastenings, tighten them. If weakened steering drafts, worn-out hinges (check at first reliability of a tightening of nuts) can be the reason. Additional information on system of a steering and a suspension bracket can be found in Head the Suspension bracket and a steering.
Check люфта steering
- Establish a steering wheel in average situation.
- Move a steering wheel here and there, watching thus forward wheels. The steering wheel can have maximum люфт 25 mm.
- At bigger люфте a steering wheel it is necessary to check drafts of a steering, the steering mechanism and люфт bearings of a forward suspension bracket.
- Strongly move steering drafts a hand. Spherical hinges should not have люфта, otherwise replace hinges or steering drafts.
Check of tips of steering drafts, spherical support and boots of the steering mechanism
- Shine with a lamp boots of the bottom spherical support at the left and on the right and check on existence of damages.
- Shine with a lamp a boot of a tip of steering draft at the left and on the right and check on existence of damages
- In the presence of damages of boots for reasons of safety it is necessary to replace the corresponding hinge with a boot. Pollution destroy the hinge.
- Strongly move steering drafts a hand in different directions. The hinge should not have люфтов. Otherwise it is necessary to replace a tip of steering draft.
- Check reliability of an inhaling of lock-nuts of tips of steering drafts and a nut of fastening of a finger of the hinge, without rotating it. The moment of an inhaling is given in Specifications.
- Check boots of the steering mechanism, if necessary replace with the new.