11.4.10. Removal and installation of a steering column with the adjustment electric drive
In total самоконтрящийся the fixture is subject to replacement without fail! |
Installation details electricly adjustable steering column (1 of 3)
Installation details electricly adjustable steering column (2 of 3)
Installation details electricly adjustable steering column (3 of 3)
- On models of the corresponding complete set (ET2 code) activate a service mode of system of an emergency call of TELE AID (see. Section Activation/deactivation of a service mode of system of an emergency call of TELE AID).
- Turn on the auxiliary accumulator and connect it to the regular battery, then disconnect from the last a negative wire.
- Develop in rectilinear situation and remove a steering wheel (see. Section Removal and installation of a steering wheel).
- Remove a combination of devices (see. Head Body).
- Uncover at the left under the dashboard.
- 7 Remove assembly of the lock of ignition (EIS) (see. Head Onboard electric equipment).
- нимите cover of a casing of a steering column.
- At the corresponding complete set remove a knee emphasis.
- Disunite sockets (3) electroconductings.
- Remove the switch of switching of modes of functioning of lighting devices (see. Head Onboard electric equipment).
- Turn out bolts (12 and 11).
- Remove a remote pipe (4).
- Turn out top (7) and bottom (8) bolts.
- Give a nut (2) and take a bolt (9) central kardanny hinges (1).
- Having hooked, remove the hinge (1) from a steering shaft (14).
- Having pulled in salon, remove a sleeve of a steering column (5), - try not to damage a boot (10).
- Installation is made upside-down, - do not forget to plant a pin (13) in a reception nest of a bearing bracket (6).
- At the corresponding complete set деактивируйте service mode of TELE AID system.
- In summary make cleaning of memory of the processor of system of onboard self-diagnostics (see. Head of System of electric equipment of the engine).