Mercedes-Benz G-class (W463) since 1999 of release
1. Introduction
2. Governing bodies and operation receptions
3. Current leaving and service
4. Engine
5. Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
6. A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
7. Systems of electric equipment of the engine
8. Automatic transmission
9. Transmission line
10. Brake and auxiliary systems
11. Suspension bracket and steering
12. Body
13. Onboard electric equipment
13.1. General information
13.2. Assembly blocks and management modules
13.3. Switches
13.4. Driving electromotors, sensors
13.4.1. Removal and installation of electromotors of a drive of screen wipers
13.4.2. Removal and installation of activators of the uniform lock
13.4.3. Removal and installation of electromotors of a drive of adjustment of forward seats
13.4.4. Removal and installation of sensors
13.5. Alarm and lighting devices
13.6. Systems of additional safety (SRS)
13.7. Audiosystem, navigation and mobile phone
14. Schemes of electric connections



13.4.2. Removal and installation of activators of the uniform lock

Activators of locks of forward doors

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a forward door (1 of 3)

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a forward door (2 of 3)

4 — Driving draft

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a forward door (3 of 3)

6 — the Driving electromotor


  1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
  2. Remove the panel of an internal upholstery of a door (see. Head Body).
  3. Disunite the socket of electroconducting (shooter) of the activator of the door lock.
  4. Disconnect from the door lock driving draft.
  5. Turn out fixing screws and remove assembly of the executive electromotor (6).
  6. Installation is made upside-down, - track correctness of laying of electroconducting and reliability of fixing of the socket.

Activators of locks of back doors

Versatile person models

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a back door (Versatile person model)

1 — I Will corrode electroconductings

2 — the Driving electromotor


  1. On models of the corresponding complete set (ET2 code) activate a service mode of system of an emergency call of TELE AID (see. Section Activation/deactivation of a service mode of system of an emergency call of TELE AID).
  2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
  3. Remove the panel of an internal upholstery of a door (see. Head Body).
  4. Liberate a plait of electroconducting of the uniform lock from door assembly and disunite the socket (1).
  5. Disconnect from the door lock driving draft (shooter).
  6. Release fixture and remove the driving electromotor (2).
  7. Installation is made upside-down, - track correctness of laying of electroconducting and reliability of fixing of the socket.
  8. On models of the corresponding complete set (ET2 code) деактивируйте a service mode of TELE AID system (see. Section Activation/deactivation of a service mode of system of an emergency call of TELE AID).
  9. In summary make reading of the DTC codes and cleaning of memory of system of onboard self-diagnostics by means of the STAR DIAGNOSIS scanner (6511 1801 00) (see. The head of System of electric equipment of the engine) also execute procedures of base programming.

Models with wheel base of 2850 mm

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a back door (model with base of 2850 mm)

3 — I Will corrode electroconductings
5 — Driving draft

6 — the Driving electromotor

The order of performance of procedure is similar described above for the activator of a forward door (see paragraphs with 1 on 6).

Activator of the lock of a folding board (Cabriolet model)

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a folding board on the Cabriolet models (1 of 2)

1 — the Plastic tray
2 — the Plastic clamp

3 — the Pin dilator

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a folding board on the Cabriolet models (2 of 2)

4, 5 — Screws
6 — the Assembly bracket

7 — Driving draft
M14/7 — the Driving electromotor


  1. Cast away a back board and uncover a tool compartment its back party.
  2. Having hooked clamps (2), take broad pins (3) and remove a plastic tray of a tool compartment.
  3. Disconnect from the driving electromotor (M14/7) of the uniform lock electroconducting.
  4. Separate from the electromotor (M14/7) driving draft, - draft remains connected to zamkovy assembly.
  5. Turn out fixing screws (5) and remove from assembly of the electromotor (M14/7) an assembly bracket (6).
  6. Remove the electromotor (M14/7).
  7. Installation is made upside-down.

Activator of the lock of a cover of the hatch of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank

Details of installation of the activator of the lock of a cover of the hatch of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank

1, 2 — Screws
3 — the Lock finger

M14/10 — the Driving electromotor


  1. Remove the right back section of lateral furnish of salon (see. Head Body).
  2. On the Versatile person models turn out the screw (1) tension tape of emergency opening of the hatch of a jellied mouth.
  3. Turn out screws (2), previously having marked the provision of their heads in oval openings.
  4. Liberate from directing a lock finger (3).
  5. Having inclined back, remove the driving electromotor (M14/10).
  6. On the Cabriolet models disconnect from a lock finger (3) draft of an emergency otpuskaniye of the lock.
  7. Disconnect from the motor (M14/10) electroconducting.
  8. Installation is made upside-down, - track correctness of combination of the labels put in the course of dismantle (see paragraph 2).

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13.4.1. Removal and installation of electromotors of a drive of screen wipers
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13.4.3. Removal and installation of electromotors of a drive of adjustment of forward seats