3. Current leaving and service By drawing up of this chapter the main emphasis became on helping the amateur mechanic to support the car in a condition of maximum efficiency of operational parameters, profitability, safety and reliability. Further the reader will find the full schedule of procedures of routine maintenance of the car, and also the sections devoted to the description of service of its separate systems in head. In sections descriptions of visual checks, adjustments, replacements of components and other good advice are stated. Illustrations with types of an impellent compartment (will help to define a site of separate components see. Undressed the Schedule of routine maintenance). Having familiarized with the kilometrazhno-time schedule and the recommendations provided below, the reader will receive the accurate action program, capable to provide long and reliable service of the car. Remember that performance of only separate points of the stated plan with neglect the other is not capable to give expected result. Current leaving
In the course of car service the reader will be convinced soon that many procedures it is possible (and it is necessary) to combine in view of similarity of actions on their performance. For example, if the car is raised over the earth for chassis greasing, it is meaningful to make at the same time checks of a condition of components of systems of production of the fulfilled gases, suspension brackets, a steering and supply of fuel. If wheels are removed for carrying out other works, it is reasonable to estimate degree of wear of brake mechanisms at the same time. And at last, rent of the special tool is not meaningful for performance only any one procedure: if there was a need for application of a dinamometrichesky key for a tightening, for example, spark plugs, not out of place will be at one to check efforts of a tightening as it is possible bigger quantity of the available fixture which efforts of a tightening are among critical parameters. The first step in implementation of the program of maintenance of the car is self-preparation. Attentively study materials of all Sections relating to the forthcoming procedures, then prepare all necessary materials, the equipment and tools. If are afraid to face problems at performance of any concrete works, consult on HUNDRED or with the person who was already performing this work.
At each service of the car on HUNDRED, by means of the device reading of codes of malfunctions of electronic monitors of the engine, ABS, SRS and anticreeping system is made for poll of memory of malfunctions, - try to visit firm car repair shops from time to time. Thus it is necessary to remember that some malfunctions, for example the failed sensors of a control system of the engine, do not lead to appreciable decrease in characteristics of the car. Monitors have a mode of emergency functioning or work at the average values brought in memory that often cannot be revealed by the driver independently. Poll of memory of malfunctions is carried out via the special diagnostic DLC socket. |
Service of the car should be made strictly according to requirements of the maintenance given below the Schedule (see. Undressed the Schedule of routine maintenance).