Mercedes-Benz G-class (W463) since 1999 of release
1. Introduction
1.1. About this Management
1.2. G-class Mercedes-Benz cars - the summary
1.3. Identification numbers of the car
1.4. Acquisition of spare parts
1.5. Poddomkrachivaniye / posting of the car and transportation in case of failure
1.6. Engine start from the auxiliary power supply
1.7. Diagnostics of malfunctions
2. Governing bodies and operation receptions
3. Current leaving and service
4. Engine
5. Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
6. A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
7. Systems of electric equipment of the engine
8. Automatic transmission
9. Transmission line
10. Brake and auxiliary systems
11. Suspension bracket and steering
12. Body
13. Onboard electric equipment
14. Schemes of electric connections



1.6. Engine start from the auxiliary power supply

Use of the auxiliary power supply will help to make engine start in an extreme situation, however then it is necessary to find out and eliminate the reason of a discharge of the battery. Number of the most typical reasons treat:

  1. Carrying out numerous unsuccessful attempts of start of the engine, or leaving of lighting devices included for a long time at the muffled engine;
  2. Violation of serviceability of functioning of system of a charge (weakened or the driving belt of the generator is torn off, connecting electroconducting is damaged, or the generator is faulty actually);
  3. Malfunction of actually storage battery (electrolit level fell, or there was an accumulator service life).
At performance of start of the engine from the external power supply it is necessary to pay attention to observance of some special precautionary measures:
  1. It is not necessary to try to start the engine from the frozen storage battery, - previously it warm up;
  2. On models with the petrol engine engine start from the auxiliary power supply should be made only at the cold power unit and the catalytic converter;
  3. It is not necessary to carry out start by means of the device for the accelerated charging of the storage battery;
  4. Before connecting the auxiliary battery, make sure that ignition is switched off;
  5. Use only cables of sufficient cross-section section with the isolated terminal clips;
  6. Track, that all consumers of the electric power (lighting and heating devices, screen wipers, etc.) also were switched off;
  7. Put on protective gloves and points;
  8. Make sure that the auxiliary battery on the target tension corresponds established on your car;
  9. If as the auxiliary power supply the battery established on other vehicle is used, track, that cars did not adjoin AT ALL with each other;
  10. The car engine from which battery start is made, should work at single turns;
  11. Make sure that transmission is included on neutral transfer (RKPP), or transferred to the situation "R" (AT);
  12. From the discharged battery remove ventilating covers and cover openings with rags.

In models considered in the real Management the storage battery is located in a back part of salon of the car, plugs for implementation of emergency start of the engine are deduced in the left back corner of an impellent compartment. The positive plug is equipped with a protective cover (1) which should be dismantled previously, - connect the end of a red wire from a special set to the positive plug (2), second its end connect to the positive plug of the auxiliary battery; one end of a black wire connect to the negative plug of the auxiliary battery, the second - to the negative plug (3).

On considered models of the plug for emergency start of the engine from the auxiliary power supply are deduced in the left back corner of an impellent compartment

1 — the Protective cover of the positive plug
2 — the Positive plug (+)

3 — the Negative plug (-)

Make sure that connecting wires do not adjoin to moving components in impellent compartments of both cars (a krylchatka of the fan, driving belts, etc.).

Execute standard procedure of start of the engine. Leave the engine working at single turns. For the purpose of prevention of throws of tension at the moment of a detachment of electroconducting include a heater of back glass and the heater fan, then disconnect wires, operating as it should be, the return to an order of their connection. On termination of procedure switch off superfluous consumers of the electric power.

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1.5. Poddomkrachivaniye / posting of the car and transportation in case of failure
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1.7. Diagnostics of malfunctions