Mercedes-Benz G-class (W463) since 1999 of release
1. Introduction
2. Governing bodies and operation receptions
3. Current leaving and service
4. Engine
5. Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
6. A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
7. Systems of electric equipment of the engine
8. Automatic transmission
9. Transmission line
10. Brake and auxiliary systems
11. Suspension bracket and steering
11.1. Specifications
11.2. Forward suspension bracket
11.3. Back suspension bracket
11.4. Steering
11.4.1. General information
11.4.2. Check of a pressure of the steering pump
11.4.3. Check and adjustment of the hydraulic limiter
11.4.4. Adjustment of a steering shaft
11.4.5. Assessment of a condition of components of a steering drive
11.4.6. Removal and installation of a steering wheel
11.4.7. Removal and installation of a contact cable drum of a steering wheel
11.4.8. Removal and installation of the sensor of an angle of rotation of a steering wheel
11.4.9. Removal and installation of the mechanism of an electronic blokirator of a steering column
11.4.10. Removal and installation of a steering column with the adjustment electric drive
11.4.11. Removal and installation of the steering pump
11.4.12. Removal and installation of the line of cooling of GUR liquid
11.4.13. Removal and installation of the steering mechanism
11.4.14. Design of the steering mechanism
11.5. Suspension bracket geometry
12. Body
13. Onboard electric equipment
14. Schemes of electric connections



11.4.11. Removal and installation of the steering pump

Models with VT 161, VT 167, ZL 167, LF 67/14 and ZF 67/14

Details of installation of the steering pump (model with VT 161, VT 167, ZL 167, LF 67/14 and ZF 67/14)

1 — Clamps
2 — Shtutsernoye connection of the returnable line
3 — the Pressure head union

4 — the Belt of a drive of auxiliary units
5 — the Pulley
6 — the Steering pump

Design of the steering pump (model with VT 161, VT 167, ZL 167, LF 67/14 and ZF 67/14)

1 — the Ventilating cover
2 — the Nut
3 — the Face cover
4 — the Hairpin
5 — the Spring
6 — the Plastic coupling
7 — the GUR Tank
8 — the Filtering element
9 — the Sealing ring
10 — Press a disk
11 — the Volume operating valve

12 — Szhimnaya a spring
13 — a pump Casing
14 — Klapanny the screw
15, 16 — Lock rings
17 — Kulachkovoye a ring
18 — Directing
19, 23, 24 — Bolts
20 — the Bearing flange
21 — the Epiploon
22 — the Power shaft


  1. Remove a belt of a drive of auxiliary units (4) (see. Head Engine).
  2. Weaken fixture and remove a pulley (5).
  3. Disconnect hydraulic lines from unions (3 and 2), - prepare for collecting spilled liquid.
  4. Release clamps (1) electroconducting.
  5. Remove the steering pump (6).
  6. Carefully smooth out all components, defective details replace.
  7. Installation is made upside-down.
  8. Fill in in the GUR tank fresh liquid and pump over a hydraulic path.
  9. Establish into place a face cover, having tracked correctness of landing of sealing laying.

Models 463.246/249 (М113)

Details of installation of the steering pump (model with M113 engines)

1 — the Left air inlet
2 — the Hose of an okhladitelny path
3 — the Radiator
4 — Bolts of fastening of the steering pump to the holder
5 — the Tension roller
6 — the Bolt of fastening of the tank to a pump casing
7 — the Belt of a drive of auxiliary units

8 — the Pulley of a drive of the steering pump
9 — the Broad hose of a pressure head path
10 — a GUR tank Cover
11 — the GUR Tank
12 — the Steering pump
13 — the Returnable hose


  1. Remove the left air inlet (1).
  2. To Poddomkratta the car also establish it on props.
  3. Empty cooling system (see. Head Current leaving and service).
  4. Disconnect a hose (2) okhladitelny paths from the top part of a radiator (3) and take him aside, - in case of need prepare a replaceable hose and a collar of its fastening.
  5. Get under the car drain capacity.
  6. Uncover (10) and pump out liquid from the GUR (11) tank.
  7. Disconnect from the tank (11) a returnable hose (13), - in case of need prepare a replaceable hose and a collar of its fastening.
  8. Turn out a bolt (6) fastenings of the tank (11) to a casing of pump assembly.
  9. Remove a clamp of fastening of a submitting hose.
  10. Having wrung out forward, then having pulled up, remove the GUR (11) tank, - prepare a replaceable sealing ring.
  11. Throw off a belt (7) of a drive of auxiliary units from a pulley (8) the steering pump (12).
  12. Disconnect a broad pressure head hose (9).
  13. Turn out fixing bolts (4) and remove the pump (12) from the holder.
  14. Installation is made upside-down, - do not forget to fill in in the tank demanded amount of fresh liquid in order to avoid a pump devastation.
  15. In summary pump over GUR path, having several times turned a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop.

Diesel models

Models 463.323 (М612)

Details of installation of the steering pump (model with M612 engines)

1 — the Air inlet
2 — the Mixing chamber
3 — the Spring clamp
4 — the GUR Tank
5 — the Submitting hose
6 — the Broad hose of a pressure head path

7 — the Sealing ring
8 — the Coupling bolt
9 — the Steering pump
10 — the Pulley of a drive of the pump
11 — the Bolt


  1. Remove panels of furnish of a cover of a head of cylinders
  2. Remove a belt of a drive of auxiliary units (see. Head Engine).
  3. Disconnect a sleeve (1) air inlet from the mixing chamber (2), - prepare replaceable sealing laying.
  4. Pump out hydraulic liquid from the GUR (4) tank.
  5. Disconnect from the tank (4) submitting hose (5), - prepare for collecting spilled liquid.
  6. Disconnect a broad hose (6), - at once закупорьте the union, in case of need prepare a replaceable sealing ring (7).
  7. Remove the steering pump (9), in case of need release bolts (11) and dismantle a pulley (10).
  8. Installation is made upside-down, - do not forget to fill in in the tank demanded amount of fresh liquid in order to avoid a pump devastation.
  9. In summary pump over GUR path, having several times turned a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop.

Models 463.333 (М628)

Details of installation of the steering pump (model with M628 engines) (1 of 2)

1 — the Air purifier
2 — the Left air inlet
3 — the Hose of an okhladitelny path
4 — the Finishing panel
5 — the Oil and water heat exchanger

6 — the Oil filter
7 — the GUR Tank
8 — Hoses
9 — the Collar of fastening of the GUR tank

Details of installation of the steering pump (model with M628 engines) (2 of 2)

10 — the Pulley of a drive of the pump
11 — the Steering pump
12 — Bolts
13 — the Tension roller
14 — the Belt of a drive of auxiliary units
15 — the Bolt of a tension roller

16 — the GUR Oil line
17 — the Left bottom air line
18 — Bolts of fastening of the pump
19 — Nizhny a bolt of fastening of the pump
20 — the Casing of the oil filter
21 — the Left air inlet


  1. Remove an air purifier (1).
  2. Remove the left air inlet (2).
  3. To Poddomkratta the car also establish it on props.
  4. Remove protection of a case.
  5. Empty cooling system (see. Head Current leaving and service).
  6. Disconnect from a radiator a hose (3) and take him aside, - in case of need prepare a replaceable hose and a collar of its fastening, prepare for collecting spilled liquid.
  7. Turn out four fixing screws, take щуп measurements of level of impellent oil, uncover a maslonalivny mouth and dismantle the finishing panel (4).
  8. Get under the car drain capacity.
  9. Take the oil filter (6), merge from it oil and establish into place, previously having replaced sealing laying.
  10. Remove from a filter (20) casing the liquid heat exchanger (5), - prepare replaceable sealing laying.
  11. Remove a casing of the oil filter (20).
  12. Pump out liquid from the GUR (7) tank.
  13. Disconnect from the tank and at once закупорьте hoses (8), - prepare for collecting spilled liquid.
  14. Release a fixing collar (9) and, having pulled up, remove the tank (7).
  15. Having released a bolt (15) tension rollers (13), weaken a belt of a drive of auxiliary units (14) and throw off it from a pulley (10) helmsmen of the pump (11).
  16. Disconnect and at once закупорьте the oil line (16).
  17. Turn out two bolts and disconnect from pump assembly (11) left bottom air line (17).
  18. Weaken fastening of an air line (21) on a head of cylinders, then it is accurate, trying not to damage, wring out a sleeve back.
  19. Release bolts (18) fastenings of the pump (11).
  20. Having wrung out a tension roller (13), turn out the bottom bolt (19).
  21. Turn out bolts of fastening of the pump to a cover of a drive of GRM and the holder.
  22. Having cut a binding, release electroconducting and remove the steering pump (11).
  23. In case of need remove from pump assembly a driving pulley (10).
  24. Installation is made upside-down, - do not forget to fill in in the tank demanded amount of fresh liquid in order to avoid a pump devastation.
  25. Pump over GUR path, having several times turned a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop.
  26. In summary make cleaning of memory of the processor of system of onboard self-diagnostics (see. Head of System of electric equipment of the engine).

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11.4.10. Removal and installation of a steering column with the adjustment electric drive
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11.4.12. Removal and installation of the line of cooling of GUR liquid